Hey everyone! This week I've finally been able to dive back into almost full-time development on Invisigun. I knocked off a ton of bugs, implemented a couple new game modes and some prototype abilities, and completely replaced the controller input subsystem. It feels great to finally get back to coding, and for those that are curious, you can always view the latest changelog here. I will probably slow down with posting updates on the Kickstarter campaign page in the future, so the best resource for status updates and development progress here on out will be here on sombrstudio.com, the forums, and my Twitter account.
Thousands of pins, bagged up and ready
I've also been busy preparing all physical backer rewards, and we'll be shipping them out soon. My girlfriend and I made and bagged thousands of buttons, and Gallery Nucleus is underway with the art print production. All is going well!
There are still about 120 outstanding Kickstarter surveys, so if you haven't filled it out yet, I can't deliver your rewards! I'll of course still be fulfilling late surveys, but it helps to get them in sooner rather than later. Also, all alpha backers that have filled out surveys should have received forum invites, so if you're expecting one and haven't received it, please check your spam filters. If you still can't find the invite, just send me a message and I'll clear it up.